
Forex Tester 2

Forex Tester 2

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(12 votes, average: 4.00 out of 5)
Name Forex Tester
Website cb.forextester.com
Platform Other
Developer Other
Price 199 $
- ProfitF BONUS:

CashBack from ProfitF = $20

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Forex tester-2 – Software for testing your strategy. Forex Tester is an application that carries out trade simulation in Forex trading. It does shows you how to benefit and make profit, refine test and create your techniques for automatic & manual trading.

Try out your Forex strategy without the risk of losing cash

When you purchase Forex Tester, you will be given 10 easy manual techniques alongside a professional adviser on the system for trading and money management as a bonus.

Forex tester review


You would also be able to access documents that would enhance your experience in trading without paying.

It is possible to keep record on trades

Real performance is revealed by statistics. It is possible to keep record on trades (like a journal for trade) as well as transfer your log for trade to other applications including Excel. It is not advisable to depend on estimates.

Beginners often depend on postulations as well as what they are told by others. Facts are however the foundation upon which experts makes their choices. This application would help you to get your techniques right. When you notice that your technique would not bring in profit, Forex Tester would help you to know faster than demo trading. You can subsequently try to create a different technique. When you also have a good strategy, you would get to know with Forex Tester too.

Learning the values that work for your technique

When backtesting a technique for trading, enhancing the values is very necessary. This process is made simpler with tester for forex. Learning the values that work for your technique will help you get better method and aid in creating new strategies for idea generation.

The forex market is stimulated by the application with a realism that is unequal. When you are the test mode for manual trading, it is possible to check your techniques and tutor your skills for trading within some hours from data that have been gathered for many years. (look at our collection of free forex strategies)

This is due to the fact that Forex Tester applies the history of price data to note the movement of price. Similar to a CD player, it is possible to pause, forward, rewind or just go to particular areas of interest. It is thus possible to rewind back to a particular period to check the data of the price at that point in time. If you also have a session for testing that you have saved initially, it is possible for your account balance, trade history and open trades to be restored when you start to simulate.

How to enhance your “Forex Tester 2” results for trading

forex tester - 2 download

You can look for the system of trading that is most profitable for you. You don’t have to depend on speculations. You should first of all check them yourself and be sure.

As soon as you are sure the technique is effective, you can then setup your account and trade without fear.

You should also learn about the performance of the market. Forex Tester can help you to know this in a very little time.

You would also learn how to know trades that would lose and quickly withdraw so that you can make only minimal loses. You can thus check your technique during a monetary crisis and know about management of risk.

Forex Tester – Realistic and Flexible

Swaps and spreads is discussed for every pair of currency. This results in earning and simulation results that is accurate by simulating your choice Forex broker. The advance feed for data has different brokers recorded data. Changing the values of your technique, while trading unstopped, is also achievable. You can monitor and simulate simultaneously, various forex EA (on “ProfitF” you can buy with discount any Forex EA >>)


The aim of Forex Tester-2 is to help you get the best trading benefits available through enhanced and time saving techniques. It also contains a functionality that would enhance your effectiveness as different sessions can be saved and retrieved in no particular order.

You also get to customize several parts of the software such as indicators, graphical instruments and color scheme as well as subsequently have them loaded on the next chart. This is more so if you want to check the effectiveness of your technique on different frames and currencies.

Free accurate testing for historical data

The software can help you retrieve sixteen pairs of currency price movement for the past fourteen years including Gold and Silver.

Affordable pricing

Using Forex Tester would help you to avoid losses, and when they come minimize them. You would thus gain much more than the cost of buying the software.

Forex Tester Customer Service

You can get competent and fast email support from customer care. They will help you benefit as much as possible from Forex Tester.


Also, Don’t forget about Forex Tester forum. Where you can ask a question and get an answer from forex Experts.

Forex Tester Software forum


Various comprehensive oscillators and indicators are added:

Importance of market simulation

There is a general believe that 95 percent of trader acquire losses in their first year of trading.

For a trader to succeed, he has to backtest properly as stated during interviews with expert traders.

Backtesting implies using data about movement of price that have been recorded over the years about the capital market to check the effectiveness of a trading technique. Even though you can never be 100 percent sure, a technique that has been generating positive results will continue to do so.

Backtesting manually involves taking some hours to simulate data for market that were recorded. With this you will be able to check many techniques including differences. Within some minutes, backtesting automatically can be completed. This application has the ability to do manual and automatic backtesting.

Forex Tester – Learning Well

With Forex Tester, you can analyze charts and look try out techniques without the risk of losing cash. This is very vital.

If you start trading with cash, you would be stressed. Making fast choices requires adequate knowledge which can only be gotten from experience. The brain however, does not have the ability to capture information instantly without losing some along the way. Your brain can dispose of some knowledge you are not applying constantly.

This has led to the saying that you lose it when you don’t use it. Forex Tester will aid your choices better than any other tool as it is reputed to be one of the applications that can aid an individual in learning trading the most.

Comparison of Forex Tester and Demo Account

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Comparison of Forex Tester-2 and MT4

Simply, applications for real time trading were not optimized for backtesting. It is thus not as effective. MT4 is a very common and efficient application for demo and live trading. A feature for backtesting was included when people asked for it. The feature however has errors that could mislead backtesters. This is why Forex Tester was created as a better option.


Trading currency is among the most difficult means of earning. You thus need to develop money management techniques, procedure and psychology. (on our website you can read about Top 5 Money Management rules)

If you are not properly trained in these areas before delving into forex, you would ultimately record a lot of losses. Forex Traders have the ability to enhance your skills and knowledge in these areas.

Management of money

There exist several disciplined and smart traders that still lose while trading. This is because they don’t have a vital foundation in forex. They don’t know the essence of managing money. As a trader, you must know how much you are willing to lose on a trade and the maximum of trades you can risk in a month. If you don’t have these basic stances or do not adhere to them, you would never be able to become an expert trader. You can make wonderful choices while trading, so that you are in control of your emotions and most of your trades get successful. You can lose all the money you have gained with a single trade if you don’t adhere by principles of managing money. Backtesting allows you to improve this on this area. You need trade simulator and forex application to be trained in Forex. Begin to practice management of money immediately by using Forex Tester 2 as you would never get a better backtester.


There are several techniques for trading online that gives fake hope. If you test the technique with the aid of a backtester, you would immediately get to know how fake it is. Several techniques that are sold as possible could help you with a few trades that are successfully, most of them would however be fake, leading to loss in the long run. The first principle of trading forex is that you should never believe someone. Your 3 best assets are at risk: self-esteem, money and time. If you do not want to backtest techniques you got from unreliable sources, you will end up losing your whole forex capital. You would also not be able to get any accomplishment even when you spend 1000s of hours trading. When you don’t use backtesters, you will become depressed and frustrated. So why would you want to waste your mental power, efforts, money and time on an unprofitable gesture? You can thus either delve in head first, without any knowledge or experience, relying on blind fate and people and end up losing everything, or purchase Forex Tester and use it to learn before you start trading. The choice is yours.


Trading is one of the aspects human beings have not evolved in over time. This means that we have to learn trading, it is not an inbuilt instinct. Furthermore, theories would not make you a good trader. You need to be able to be in charge of your emotions and mind. Forex simulator is only means of this training. Trade simulators are however better than real and demo accounts. Demo account does limits the amount you can use to trade forex while using a live account will result in you losing your capital. Forex Tester allows an individual to test his skills on trading without limits and without risks of losing money. You get to know exactly how to trade and exactly what you are getting yourself into. Forex Tester will give you all the tools for market analysis you need and help you to get the knowledge and experience you need to trade forex without risk.

Technique Enhancer

Using backtesting application for Forex will provide some automatic tools for market analysis. You can look for any technic and automatically test and adjust it.

Comprehensive Statistics

You can easily eliminate any error and make it look as if it never happened. The statistics would also aid your training on how to trade forex. There are several pre-installed values that you can use to check your performance. Using Forex Tester would enlighten you on simulation and all the necessary information including loss trade, maximum profit, gross profit and net profit as well as many other information.

Mistakes Correction

Effective training in Forex should be able to allow you correct mistake. This way you are able to see the wrong way, the right way and their effects. You can’t have this opportunity with live and demo accounts. Demo accounts takes long for you to learn because you cannot correct mistake. Live accounts also have the same problem with demo account, only in this case, you also get to lose money. When you use a particular technique on forex tester and it goes wrong, you can test other techniques one after the other on the same past scenarios. This would help you to learn from your mistakes faster and know what you should have done.

For instance

You can check the Average Simple Moving Crossover technique which comes pre-installed in the software. When you are doing this, you want to know which values you have to use? What period of time to apply? When is the right time to change your average? Should you use weighted, exponential or simple lines? Technique enhancer will give you the solutions to these problems easily and quickly. You should set the end, step and timeframe values for previous parameters. The software checks all the possible outcomes and picks the most efficient technique. The outcome is sure to be accurate as it is based on data that was gotten over the years. It is also possible to change the pair of currency and period and check again. With time, you will get to know the best pairs of currency, time frame and period you should trade.

You can thus avoid the routine and boring aspect of forex trading and allow forex tester to do the work.


forextester screen

About ForexTester developers: 

The team of Forex Tester Software, Inc. company is a group of traders, programmers, support specialists.

Company name: “Forex Tester Software, Inc.”

Address: 2269 Lake Shore Boulevard West, 2406, City: Toronto, Province: Ontario, Postal code: M8V3X6, Country: Canada


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ForexTester-2 price = $199, however you can buy it with Discount. ProfitF offers BONUS – $20 Cashback. … more info >>

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